Sunday, March 7, 2021

A long hiatus...

I started Eating Clean, Eating Green in 2012. I was recently married and trying to recover from some serious health and weight issues. I was succeeding. My gallbladder symptoms were decreasing every day and I was down 50 lbs. During this time, I also succeeded in my biggest goal of all; becoming a mother. This put the blog on a serious pause. 

Fast forward 9 years... I had my son (who developed the childhood trifecta of allergies, asthma & eczema at 3 months), moved across the Atlantic, twice, got divorced and pretty much got seriously stressed out in all aspects of my life. This put my health in serious decline. I have tried everything to get back (raw, vegan, paleo, AIP, keto, low chemical, etc.), everything but going back to Eating Clean, Eating Green.

Three weeks ago, I stumbled across a Mindvalley post on Facebook about food freedom. I watched the 1 hour masterclass and signed up for Wildfit right away. Hearing Eric, the founder of Wildfit, speak stuck a cord with me. He was singing my song. The universe led me back, so here I am. 

Over the next few weeks, I will start posting the recipes and research I find most helpful while on the program. Keep in mind, I am not affiliated in any way with the Wildfit program. My old posts may have recipes that aren't fully in line with the program and newer posts will only be where I am at in the program at the time, so use your best judgement when using them. That being said, I hope this helps not only me but others on their journey.

Until next time...


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